This sentence is incorrect. The word "is" in the sentence is what makes it incorrect. Instead of is, the word should be "are," and the sentence should be, "The list of items are on the desk." Is...Read More
There is always room for pamphlets as a means of communication in literature, or literature in the service of some cause, as is still the case today despite the surge of social media for...Read More
The task or problem must be defined before you can search for resources or outline your project. Asking a librarian might help, though he/she...Read More
In what is known as the rhetorical triangle, there are three primary ways to persuade people: through ethos, through pathos, and through logos. Ethos refers to...Read More
Congress and the legislatures of both states, legislatures of both states and Congress, Congress and legislatures of both states, Congress and the legislatures of Alabama and Mississippi, Congress...Read More