I know Dean well. I'm not certain what the citation above means. But here's the skinny on the question. Ethics are acts. Morals are attitudes. Why do PR professionals subscribe to a code of...Read More
Yes -You are breaching pr ethics. while it is legal to record conversations in some states as long as one of the parties is aware of the recording, it is still unethical to record conversations...Read More
The field of ethics is the study of how people try to live their lives according to a standard of right or wrong behavior - in both how we think and behave towards others and how we...Read More
False-answer: false. public relations practitioners who voluntarily join a professional community through a formal structured association such as prsa, agree to bind themselves to a code of...Read More
True-true. a code of ethics specifically codifies a groups relationship to society. ethics codes must be within a societys legal parameters and moral norms; however, within those boundaries,...Read More
Answer: Yes, it is plagiarism, unless you provide an acknowledgment somewhere in your presentation of the source of the photo.
Note that this question is about plagiarism and not...Read More
Answer: It is probably not a copyright infringement. You should be able to use the first set of photocopies for educational purposes without fear of reprisal, under the fair use clause...Read More
Fair enough, but ideas canot be copyrighted, only the expression of ideas. Now is an oral presentation of ideas "expression" of ideas to the extent that not one can reutter them unless that...Read More
No-answer: it is probably not a copyright infringement. you should be able to use the first set of photocopies for educational purposes without fear of reprisal, under the fair use clause for...Read More
Yes-no state officer or employee or special state officer or employee, subsequent to the termination of his office or employment in any state agency, shall represent, appear for, negotiate on behalf...Read More