This was written by Thomas More in order to show his disdain about the political corruption that was happening in Europe at that time. Aside from the corruption in Europe, he also talked about...Read More
Why do people go fight in a war? Says that people dont question it. should ask whats in it for them. what do people fight for? Liberty, freedom, etc. says they are just words that are abstract and...Read More
The setting is dystopia because there is a need for the government to control its people. The government feels that if people would suddenly decide that they do not need the government to protect...Read More
Example: thomas thought about all of the problems in europe, and he wondered how the utopians would deal with many of these problems. raphael knew that some utopian traditions would be strange to...Read More
No, this is false, the author does not accuse missionaries of stealing money in Crusades in 'War in Peace.' Instead, the author accuses missionaries of stealing souls in the novel. 'War and...Read More