
Dog Questions and Answers (Q&A)

L. Hawkes, Teacher
Answered: Jul 19, 2018
Almost all dogs have wet noses and some dog noses can be really wet and some can be almost dry. It’s important to know how wet or dry your dog’s nose is normally so that you will know...Read More

1 Answer

Malcolm Carneal, Digital Nomad
Answered: Jul 23, 2018
There does not seem to be unanimous agreement among experts for what is the ideal age to breed a dog, but a lot of experts seem to think it’s best to wait until the female’s second...Read More

1 Answer

A. Cook, English Professor
Answered: Oct 31, 2018
There are a lot of dogs who are smart enough to know if they are loved. They manage to sense and feel how human beings feel towards them. Dogs and humans tend to form a very special relationship...Read More

2 Answers

Christian Jackson, Content Developer
Answered: Jul 23, 2018
It can normally take about ten hours for a dog’s digestive system to completely process what he has eaten. So it’s not unusual for a dog to vomit what he may have eaten the previous...Read More

1 Answer

Cesar H. Pablo, Journalist
Answered: Oct 11, 2017
Dog gestation time is an average of 63 days. Dogs can carry puppies between 58 and 68 days. Dogs have a heat cycle that lasts 18 to 21 days. During this time they go through 4 stages with the...Read More

2 Answers

L. Hawkes, Teacher
Answered: Jul 19, 2018
A dog’s sense of smell is very different from a humans in many ways. First, dogs have about 300 million olfactory (smell) receptors compared to humans who have only about 6 million. Second,...Read More

1 Answer

Christian Jackson, Content Developer
Answered: Jul 23, 2018
All dog breeds are susceptible to certain health issues known to be particularly common to the breed. For example, Labrador retrievers, German Shepherds, and other large dog breeds are known to...Read More

1 Answer

I. Klose, Accountant
Answered: Jul 05, 2019
Yorkies and Silkies refer to terriers. These are small dogs. However, they both are terriers and have smooth silky hair. One difference is that silky terriers are longer in length or at least...Read More

1 Answer

L. Hawkes, Teacher
Answered: Jul 19, 2018
You can make your puppy happy and healthy by making sure your puppy visits the veterinarian to receive all the appropriate vaccinations, by feeding your puppy healthy food, and by spending fun...Read More

1 Answer

Answered: Nov 07, 2017
It is difficult to make sure your dog does not eat anything it is not supposed to. Sometimes, you may drop something on the ground and the family dog will quickly eat it in a matter of seconds...Read More

1 Answer

Christian Jackson, Content Developer
Answered: Jul 23, 2018
Yes, dogs can become more aggressive when they are in heat. Female dogs, or bitches, will often compete for a male dog’s attention which can lead to fights with other female dogs. Female...Read More

1 Answer

Christian Jackson, Content Developer
Answered: Jul 23, 2018
One way to know for sure if your dog is ill is to take him to be examined by a veterinarian. However, that can be costly so there are a few signs you can look for before taking that step. One...Read More

1 Answer

L. Liliass
Answered: Sep 22, 2017
The answer is letter Boston Terrier. The first American dog breed is the Boston Terrier. It is the type of dog commonly called the American Gentleman which originates in the United States of...Read More

2 Answers

A. Cook, English Professor
Answered: Oct 31, 2018
It is evident that dogs have more sensitive ears as compared to human beings. They can hear four times more than humans even if they are hearing sounds that are from a distance. There are some...Read More

2 Answers

Answered: Aug 28, 2017
Wild dogs may eat mice, but dogs that are kept as pets don’t usually eat mice. That’s usually the cat’s job; that’s what is depicted in cartoons, anyway - the cat chasing...Read More

2 Answers


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