Hopelessness and Depression are two words that are most times used interchangeably, especially when you are discussing issues that are psychological in nature. Although both words are referring...Read More
Although there are many alternatives on how you can successfully overcome depression, it is still best to seek professional help first especially when the emotions you are feeling becomes...Read More
Diagnostic symptoms of depression include: Depressed mood, Sleep disturbance, Loss of Interest (anhedonia), Guilt or feelings of worthlessness, Energy loss and fatigue, Concentration problems,...Read More
According to the national youth violence prevention resource center, stressful life events oftentimes precipitate extreme reactions in adolescents and young adults including suicide attempts and...Read More
Express her concern for lashonda and find a trusted adult or professional whom lashonda can talk to about her feelings.-when a friend talks about ending his or her life, its not something that...Read More
Manic depression is often called bipolar disorder, which includes clinical depression as part of it’s a diagnosis. Depression includes feeling sad or unhappy for an uninterrupted period of...Read More
There are five stages of grief that are available according to the Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle. The first stage is going to be denial. This means that the person may deny that something is really...Read More
The first thing that you have to do in order to get out of depression is to make sure that you will become aware that you have it. You need to accept it, acknowledge it, and let people who will...Read More
We can overcome depression in the following ways:
Taking a shower
Doing some exercise
Get Plenty of Good Quality Sleep
Reading inspirational and motivational boo...Read More