The correct answer to this question is .625. Decimals and fractions are related to the subject of math. To answer this question, one would use the 5/8 part of the question, which is a fraction. The...Read More
The 1/3 of a decimal is 0.33. Take note that this is already in its shortened form because if you would actually try to make it into a decimal, you will get something like 0.333… which, of...Read More
The answer to this is 0.066. Anything that is related to decimals can be complicated for some people especially those who do not like computing decimals at all but this time, computing the two...Read More
When you convert 1/8 to a decimal, what you will get as an answer is 0.125. However, I will like to show how I arrived at this answer with a unique method I was taught while growing up. The first...Read More
Converting from decimal into a fraction requires that you carefully follow some steps. These steps are not too hard to comprehend as long as you are following each step. When you are converting...Read More
When 56 percent is expressed as a decimal it becomes 0.56. It is easy to understand where the decimal point should go when working with percents. the whole number 56 is assumed to be 56.0 when...Read More
Some people become confused with the schematic diagram but this is simply a diagram that represents the elements or the process that people have to go through in order to reach a common goal. For...Read More
The idea is very simple. You just have to extract the digits of the binary number from the right-hand side and multiply it with a power of 2. Then, you have to add all the values to get the...Read More