Mandarin and Cantonese are two different types of languages that are spoken by people of different locations. Many people use to think both languages are the same, the truth they might appear...Read More
Some people use Chinese and Mandarin interchangeably. It seems that some people do not realize that there are differences between the two. Chinese is the term used in order to describe the people...Read More
According to, “The Zhou Dynasty was the longest ruling Chinese dynasty. It lasted from 1122BCE-255 BCE”. It was started by the Ji family and had its capital at Hao...Read More
Chinese kanji characters and script is one of the biggest of all modern writing scripts. Estimates say that the number of kanji in Chinese writing script is tens of thousands with some giving a...Read More
Some the earliest Chinese kanji charachters that have been discovered are said to have come from around 6500 BC and have been discovered recently at ancient sites in China. A couple thousand...Read More
The people in the southern part of the Asia continent look so similar in both physical and behavioral features. The Korean, Chinese, and Japanese are the ones in this vicinity, but we will be...Read More
The AK-47 assault rifle, which was designed by the Soviet Union, was earlier designed before the newer AK-56. The concept behind the name (AK-47) is this. The letter A stands for Avtomat (which...Read More