There are three types of circulation found in the human body, systemic circulation, pulmonary, and coronary circulation. Systemic circulation is otherwise known as greater circulation. Blood...Read More
Left-to-right ventricular shunt-in a left-to-right ventricular shunt, a defect in the ventricular septum
allows blood to flow from the left ventricle to the right ventricle instead of being ejected...Read More
Total peripheral resistance (tpr)-in anticipation of exercise, the central command increases sympathetic
outflow to the heart and blood vessels, causing an increase in heart rate and...Read More
Atrioventricular (av) node-the absent p wave indicates that the atrium is not depolarizing and,
therefore, the pacemaker cannot be in the sinoatrial (sa) node. because the qrs and t waves
are...Read More
Left renal artery stenosis-in this patient, hypertension is most likely caused by left renal artery
stenosis, which led to increased renin secretion by the left kidney. the increased plasma renin...Read More
Acetylcholine (ach)-a negative inotropic effect is one that decreases myocardial contractility.
contractility is the ability to develop tension at a fixed muscle length. factors that...Read More
Decreased venous return-diarrhea causes a loss of extracellular fluid volume, which produces a decrease in arterial pressure. the decrease in arterial pressure activates the baroreceptor mechanism,...Read More
Brain-blood flow to the brain is autoregulated by the pco2.
if metabolism increases (or arterial pressure decreases), the pco2 will increase and cause cerebral
vasodilation. blood flow to the heart...Read More
A suppressed response of the baroreceptor
-orthostatic hypotension is a decrease in arterial pressure that occurs
when a person moves from a supine to a standing position. a person with a...Read More