
Calendar Questions and Answers (Q&A)

E. Stanley, Technical writer
Answered: Oct 17, 2018
Yes, calendars do repeat. As there are seven days in a week which begin the year and month, you would expect that in every sevens years there would be a repeat in calendar. However, the leap...Read More

1 Answer

E. Stanley, Technical writer
Answered: Oct 17, 2018
Gregorian calendar is used by most countries. There are countries that do not use this calendar. Some of the countries that do not use Gregorian calendar are: Afghanistan, Iran, Ethiopia and...Read More

1 Answer

Answered: Jan 11, 2020
Note that the Ethiopian Calendar year starts on September 9 or September 10, not in August ( see It started on September 10 when the ending year was a leap year....Read More

2 Answers

E. Stanley, Technical writer
Answered: Oct 17, 2018
Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII which explains how the name came about.
Julian calendar has 2 types of years: Normal year and Leap year. The normal year has 365...Read More

1 Answer

K. Myers, Blogger
Answered: Oct 12, 2018
As far as I know, the calendar most used, the Gregorian calendar, is the most accurate. It takes the number of days the Earth takes to circulate the sun and with the odd bit left over, a leap...Read More

1 Answer

K. Myers, Blogger
Answered: Oct 09, 2018
The calendar we follow is the Gregorian calendar, if by 'we' you mean the western world. The Gregorian calendar is a refined and improved version of the earlier Julian calendar, desgined by the...Read More

1 Answer

K. Myers, Blogger
Answered: Oct 12, 2018
Unlike animals, human beings need structure in their lives. They need to know how long events occur, to predict when things will happen and to make arrangements with other humans that are time...Read More

1 Answer

K. Myers, Blogger
Answered: Oct 09, 2018
Calendars help us keep track of time passing and of structuring our future, making plans and communicating these to others. Without calendars, we would be making scribbled notes and hoping this...Read More

1 Answer

N. Kingsley, Writer
Answered: Oct 17, 2018
The main reason why Gregorian calendar was implemented was because Pope Gregory XIII wanted to change the Easter date to be in sync with the time it was celebrated by the early church. This...Read More

1 Answer

J. Goodman, Web Content Writer
Answered: Oct 09, 2018
The idea of dividing time into periods such as years, months, and weeks developed later, but the concept of a calendar really began in the Bronze Age. There is evidence that people then were...Read More

1 Answer

Danny R. Glover, Editor
Answered: Oct 12, 2018
I don't know about 'most'. This depends on where you live. In the United States calendars begin on a Sunday, but not all over the world. Slavic languages have Monday as the first day and Monday...Read More

1 Answer

K. Myers, Blogger
Answered: Oct 09, 2018
I can only speak for the western world, but I think it would be sensible to assume that events and dates of these events decided when festivals were held, that is, to celebrate or remember key...Read More

1 Answer

N. Kingsley, Writer
Answered: Oct 17, 2018
Everyone shifted to the Gregorian calendar because it is more accurate than Julian calendar.
A normal Julian year is 365.25 days and its an error of 11 minutes when compared to the solar...Read More

1 Answer

N. Kingsley, Writer
Answered: Oct 17, 2018
Great Britain shifted to the Gregorian calendar in 1752. The year 1751 was a short year (282 days) running from 25 March to 31 December. 1752 was also short of 11 days. Spain, Italy and Fra...Read More

1 Answer

K. Myers, Blogger
Answered: Oct 12, 2018
If by 'people' you mean all of us living in the western world then it is clear that the Gregorian calendar is the most widely used. To calculate 'mostly used' you would have to use the...Read More

1 Answer


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