Ezekiel was asked by god 7 days after he received his call to prophecy to completely mute himself unless it was god’s sayings that he said. It was also said that the dumbness would last...Read More
There are different themes explored in the book of Ezekiel. It opens with a vision of the priest where he is visited by god. It ten goes on to the prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem. This...Read More
In a vision Ezekiel saw god appear in front of him. He says that he was held captive by tee king when it happened. He says that he remembers 44 figures appearing. They had human faces and along...Read More
The god has warned against the sin of Idolatry and cured Israel from this sin. Once the Israelites returned from exile and rebuilt the temple, they never turned away from the true god. Ezekiel...Read More
The three themes are that Go exists, that god punishes those who disobey and that he is merciful at the same time. It is a blend of the demands of Gods people and the punishments as well as the...Read More
Ezekiel also known as Hebrew Yehezqel is the prophet of Israel and is in the Old Testament Book. He is the center of the teachings in the book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible. He is known to go...Read More
New scholars question the authenticity of the book of Ezekiel because it names him as a priest as well as a prophet. In the Old Testament it was known that prophets could be the descendants of...Read More
My favorite chapters in the book of Ezekiel are from 33 to 48. This is because they are the chapters associated with hope and fill you with new light. It is important to realize your duty towards...Read More
The story tells us that god didn’t send the Israelites to exile to punish them. He doesn’t need to punish anyone. Rather, he sent them to exile in order to bring an end. He did it in...Read More
Ezekiel envisioned god as a vision he had when he was held captive by the king. He explained that he saw 4 creatures with four faces and two wings each. They had a human face, a lion face an ox...Read More
The book of Ezekiel is thought to contradict the book of Deuteronomy. However, in reality both are in agreement. In the book of Deuteronomy god says that he loves his people but he will also...Read More