The Avengers 4 leaks began during the film, with a set of photos offering strong hints about the film’s plot. Since then, there has been a stampede of potential reveals. Leaked art has...Read More
The mid-credits scene of Ant-Man and the Wasp saw Scott Lang stranded in the Quantum Realm. He headed into the Quantum Realm to obtain more of the healing particles for Ghost, but this meant he...Read More
While appearing on the Jimmy Fallon Show, Mark Ruffalo “spoiled” the title and the ending. Although, it was bleeped out. Mark Ruffalo revealed the title of the film. It is funny as he...Read More
The most recent fan theory suggests that this could be because Avengers 4 picks up four years after Thanos's snap changed the world as the superheroes knew it. The film also has to deal with how...Read More
No. Leaked art from Avengers 4 merchandise suggested that the Avengers will be sporting some interesting new outfits. It showed Thor and Rocket Raccoon wearing special white costumes, with an...Read More
It is being suggested that that the Avengers 4 title is Avengers Infinity Gauntlet. That would make the films the opposite of their comic book counterparts. The film is set to hit the big screen...Read More
Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson). There is a Black Widow solo movie under development. Spider-Man (Tom Holland). Peter Parker will be alive for the Spiderman Homecoming sequel. Drax (Dave...Read More