Individual drugs differ widely one from another in their potency-2. their anti-inflammatory effect is most pronounced in the early phase of the inflammatoryreaction-potency refers to the dose needed...Read More
Lupus is a disease that can be life-threatening and is affects a person’s immune system. The immune system is known for fighting off the germs and other viruses that could attack the rest...Read More
Indomethacin-the symptoms and signs of the patient suggest that he is suffering from an acute gouty attack.indomethacin is commonly prescribed for the treatment of acute attack of gout and...Read More
Oral ulcerations commonly accompany disease flares-the vast majority of patients with sle will experience arthritis. arthritis in the hands, specifically the proximal interphalangeal and...Read More
This type of arthritis is more commonly oligoarthritis than monoarthritis-although it has declined over the past decade, gonococcal arthritis remains the most common form of septic arthritis in the...Read More
Supraspinatus-the muscles of the rotator cuff are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. there are three progressive stages of impingement syndrome as a result of...Read More
Arthrocentesis is contraindicated if infection of any kind covers the joint-one of the emergency indications for arthrocentesis is obtaining joint fluid for analysis. arthrocentesis is...Read More
The knee is the most commonly involved joint-pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease) presents very similarly to gout, however these patients tend to be older and the knee is...Read More
Elevated esr level may be a helpful diagnostic clue-temporal or giant cell arteritis is most common in branches of the carotid artery but may involve any large or medium artery. the disease is most...Read More