The words typical and particular are both adjectives. Typical means something that is of a type. The object it describes is one that belongs to the group, is part of the group, or is a typical...Read More
Through and thru have the same meaning. The only difference between these two words is the spelling. Thru is a common slang used while chatting; people now spell through as thru in order to save...Read More
Effective can be used as an adjective and also as a noun. Ineffective, on the other hand, can only be used as an adjective. They have opposite meanings too. Effective as an adjective means that...Read More
Morphology is basically the study of words, how they are formed and their exact relationship to other words in different languages. It is of great use for people who see to understand different...Read More
If you don't have the basic understanding of some English words, you would think just because they look so much alike, they should have the same meaning. A very similar example is ''few and a...Read More
The words allowed and aloud are pronounced the same, which is their only similarity. Aloud literally means out loud. Loud could mean something is up at a higher capacity than which is tolerable....Read More
Valuable and invaluable can be used as the opposite of each other; they also have different meanings. They are adjectives that can be used for people, items, traits, actions, relationships, and...Read More
A miner is someone who works in a mine and would be in charge of trying to acquire some precious minerals and rocks that may be located deep within the shafts of the mountain that is being...Read More
The work alternate can be an adjective, transitive verb, or a noun. When used in the form of an adjective, it means something that is occurring in or forming a repeating pattern or something that...Read More